Hainan Arbitration Association was unveiled and established


On the afternoon of May 24th, the Hainan Provincial Department of Justice held the unveiling ceremony of the Provincial Arbitration Association and held a symposium on the preparation work for the implementation of the arbitration system. Wang Lei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Department of Justice, and Hu Chuncheng, member of the Trial Committee of the Provincial High People's Court, delivered speeches at the unveiling ceremony and jointly unveiled the plaque for the Hainan Arbitration Association.


At the unveiling ceremony, Wang Lei pointed out that as a self regulatory organization in the local arbitration industry, the Hainan Arbitration Association should fully play the role of a "leader" in the industry, adhere to the center and serve the overall situation; We should focus on building the arbitration brand, continuously strengthen the internationalization level and capacity building of arbitration, and deepen external exchanges and cooperation; To give full play to the industry guidance function of the association, continuously improve the arbitration system, and create an arbitration friendly legal environment. We must closely adhere to the goal of achieving a first-class domestic business environment by 2025, take the establishment of the Arbitration Association as a new starting point, and promote the construction of a highly credible and internationally influential international commercial arbitration highland in the province.


Hu Chuncheng stated that Hainan courts have always attached great importance to and supported the construction of diversified dispute resolution mechanisms such as arbitration, and are committed to creating an "arbitration friendly court". In the next step, they will continue to improve judicial support and supervision mechanisms, actively support the legal, professional, standardized, and international development of commercial arbitration in the province, and further provide high-quality and efficient judicial service guarantees for the development of arbitration in the province and the innovative exploration of the national arbitration system.


After the unveiling ceremony, a symposium on the preparation work for the implementation of the arbitration system was held immediately. Wang Lei pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and promotion of laws and regulations, promote the arbitration system to the public, especially the business community, through various channels such as the media, and enhance the understanding and comprehension of the arbitration system among all sectors of society. To improve relevant supporting policies, the government, industry associations, and arbitration institutions should timely introduce relevant implementation rules and operating procedures to ensure that legal provisions can be specific, standardized, and easy to implement and supervise. We need to strengthen the training of professional talents, especially focusing on enhancing the professional abilities of local arbitrators and arbitration secretaries. To optimize the construction of arbitration institutions, improve the arbitration service process, and strengthen the supervision of arbitration institutions and personnel practice. We need to strengthen guidance, utilize policy supply, promote the return of foreign-related arbitration cases, and strive to make Hainan a preferred destination for resolving commercial disputes.

At the symposium, Wang Xuelin, member of the Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Justice and Chairman of the Hainan International Arbitration Institute, introduced the relevant situation of the arbitration system. The Provincial Arbitration Association and the Hainan International Arbitration Institute reported on their respective work progress, and the participants exchanged and discussed the theme of the symposium.

More than 30 representatives from provincial departments such as the Provincial High Court, Provincial Public Security Department, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as some provincial and private enterprises and industry associations, attended the unveiling ceremony and symposium.